Empowering through emotions

Kweak Case study


Kweak was a messaging platform that their primary goal was to enriches communication and empower people to better express their emotions through audio, video and text – in seconds.

At the beginning the team aim goal was to disrupt traditional messaging by allowing users to “remix” elements of their video message with emotional effects that convey a deeper meaning.

By the end of the company life cicle, Kweak was the first personalised GIF based mobile TV platform, which allowed users to customize a TV-like entertainment service from over 1.000 GIF channels.


Product Designer

Interaction, Visual design,
Prototyping & Testing


Rich messaging platfom to empower people


When I join the Kweak startup project the team was pivoting from a video editing social platform to a augmented reality video sharing, and latter after a lot of user testing and market studies, we evolved the product from augmented reality to a GIF enhanced messaging platform.

The team evolve quietly during my time in the company. When I start working, the design team consisted of a design manager and me as a product designer. Towards the end, together with a UX consultant, I was in charge of the design team and handling design-dev process for two different developer teams (IOS and Android team).

In the Brand development area, I help to create the company brand identity based on our target demographic, develop many iterations of the company landing page and marketing material for the app lunch in the different mobile stores and social media campaigns. During my time at Kweak (2 years) we delivered two MVPs, did a lot of concept exploration, conduct demographics research and help to develop and evolve Kweak as a Brand.


  • Augmented reality video filters
  • Gif based Messaging platform
  • Dice - Ramdonize GIFs discover mechanics
  • Keyboard - Multiview + contextual bar + compose filter tool
  • Snacks feed - Channel customisation
  • Discover - Like/Dislike mechanic to channel subscription
