Building up

MVP 2: GIF Message app


By the moment we start working on MVP-2 designs I was promoted to head of the design team. I was handle the communication and organisation between the Marketing team - that was in charge of testing our value proposition with the final target users, and the two dev teams in charge of developing the app in Android and IOS respectively


Product Designer

Prototyping, Researching, Design interaction and writing specs for the devs, Mechanics exploration, Creating final assets for production


Quicker than text, better than pictures

The Problem

After the challenges that the team faced with the MVP1 augmented reality video conversation. The team decided to pivot the product to a more feasible version.

The idea was create the product around a GIF messaging user experience.

The Goal

The hight level goal was to bring the best messaging user experience enhanced by GIFs, and provide the best tools for GIFs messaging composing.

The Process

The first step was to adapt the current video message compose mechanics to a GIF message compose one, and make them coexist to test which user flow was more successful.

Once we carried out an exhausting testing process and validate our hypothesis, the team find that indeed the GIFs user flow was performing better than MVP1 for our product and decided to fully commit to this approach.


After a few experiments in which we made coexist MVP-1 (video message) and MVP-2 (Gif messages), we find that users were more willing to send GIFs than video messages.

Because of this discovery, the team decides to focus just on building our messaging experience around GIF messaging and build a set of innovative mechanics that facilitate this.

MVP-2 would be the first attempt for the team to build a final product fully focused on offering an end-to-end user experience.


Interactions exploration

Some of the interactions and mechanics we test and explored

Click on the thumbnail to see a FramerJs + Giphy API to explore a ramdon GIF display mechanics


Here is a peek of the final screen for the Android impelemtations

Project learnings

During our work on every piece of the MVP-2 we find out that the GIF concept improve retention and engagement numbers, and users were more prompt to enhance their message with GIF images, aside from the low resolution of the assets.

Also, we learn that the numbers of sent messages improve in comparison to the MVP-1 (video compose tool) numbers.
